
Parents Guide

Our parental guide assesses movies and media across six critical categories: Violence, Sexual Content, Language, Substance Abuse, Themes, and Overall,. Each category offers a straightforward evaluation of the content, allowing you to quickly determine its appropriateness for your family. We prioritize clarity and accuracy, ensuring that you have the information you need to make responsible choices about your children’s media consumption.


This encompasses various forms of violence, including both visual and verbal depictions, as well as themes of terror, aggression, and the glamorization of criminal behavior. In movies repetitive violence that can be initiated by the player may be graded more strictly than one-time events or scripted sequences. The aim is to provide parents with an understanding of the level of violent content present in the media.

Sexual Content:

The sexual content evaluates the presence of sexual behaviors, innuendo, and descriptions within the media. this indicates minimal sexual content, limited to basic physical affection or appropriate interactions between characters. This includes brief kisses or hugs between married couples, family members, or friends. Clothing is generally modest, with exceptions for appropriate swimwear. Additionally, non-sexual scenes of characters in showers or baths, with no nudity or explicit details, may also fall under this grade.


This category assesses the use of language within the media, focusing on words that are considered obscene, crude, rude, or derogatory towards specific groups. It excludes dialogue describing sexual or violent acts without explicit language, as those aspects are covered in the sexual content or violence categories respectively. The evaluation includes language present in English subtitles but does not extend to languages other than English.

Substance Abuse:

This category evaluates depictions of substance use, including alcohol, drugs, and other addictive substances. It considers the frequency, context, and portrayal of substance abuse within the media.


The themes delves into the underlying messages, ideas, and moral lessons conveyed by the media. It examines the themes’ appropriateness for different age groups and their potential impact on viewers. Themes can range from friendship and courage to more mature topics like death, identity, and societal issues.


This grade represents the website’s holistic assessment of the movie’s or media’s artistic quality, themes, and potential objectionable content from a parental perspective. It’s not a mere average of other content . Factors such as violence, sexual content, and profanity are considered within the context of the work’s artistic merit and thematic relevance. Sometimes, instances of violence, sexual content, or profanity may be deemed justifiable if they serve a redeeming message or artistic purpose.

These categories provide parents with a comprehensive overview of the content and themes present in movies or media, helping them make informed decisions about what is suitable for their children to watch or engage with.